Saboo Monastery
is located at a distance of eight kilometers east of Leh. Its altitude is 3450m. . Saboo Gompa Leh is located at a relatively large village which is made up of different hamlet or locality, Saboo, Meyak, Yoknos and Ayu. Each of these hamlets has its own deities, associated with the most sacred spots. Tough Saboo Leh is a model village but as most villages in Ladakh is still an agrarian society. Glaciers either directly or indirectly are the only source for the farmers for irrigation. Ayu has in its domain natural springs that provide for agricultural and drinking water. Ayu is also renowned for its medicinal spring water, to which Ladakhi travel from and wide for healing. Close to the spring lies Saboo Gompa Leh where three senior hermits reside. Ten monks live permanently in the
Saboo Gompa Leh
situated nearby.