Phyang Monastery
is only 17km west of Leh is extremely built on the top of hill which is same as the Likir monastery. Phyang monastery belongs to the Degungpa Order. This monastery where it stands was a part of the numerous monastic properties,which was offered during the time of Dharmaraja Jamyang Namgial to Chosje Damma Kunga. Phyang served as the venue of the monastery. phyang Monastery Ladakh was the first monastery, which introduced the Degungpa teaching of Skyob Jigsten Gonbo in Ladakh that was founded by Chosje Danma Kunga, during the reign of King Jamyang Namgyal in the 16th Century A.D.It is said that Phyang Monastery Leh was founded by king Tashi Namgyal whose control establish from the independent sources during 16th century. There are various sequential difficulties for organization of events in Ladakh. Some peoples thinks that some names were removed from the the history by mistakes, or convention order. phyang Monastery Ladakh and one another monastery that only belongs to Drikung Kagyu which is a Drigungpa school which is comes under the eight school that are derivative from teaching s of Phakmadrupa Dorje Gyelpo. When the phyang monastery Leh was built it was specialized in Digung teachings underneath of Skyoba Jigsten Gonbo. Apchi Choski Dolma is the current head teacher and the head lama is is Skyabje Toldan Rinpoche.

Phyang Monastery Leh
belongs to the red hat sect of Buddhism and has around 50 monks lives there.Entering into the temple has hundreds of bronze and wooden statues of Buddha gods and goddesses.Phyang Gompa is also home of the biggest thangkas which contains five storey high.phyang monastery ladakh consists of abundant of holy shrine inside the monastery, from the royal period and a museum which has an extensive collection of idols including a number of Kashmiri bronzes of 14th century.The Phyang Museum shows a superb collection of Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian fire arms and weapons. And some distance from the phyang gompa there is a Phyang Lake which forms a dissimilar kind of attraction for the visiting persons in Ladakh. Tseruk is the famous Phyang festival which is called as the Phyang that is celebrated during the month of July or August. On 17thto 19th of first month of Tibbetan calendar,the Gang-Sngon Tsedup festival is organized. On sixth month, 2nd and 3rd scared dances is celebrated.