Lamayuru monastery
is a Tibetan Buddhist Gompa located in kargil district in Ladakh which is 15 km from Fotu La at a height of 3510m.In past,there were only 400 lamas,but now a report says that the number of lamas decreased and at present 150 lamas are living here.Some of other lamas stay and provide education to gompas which are staying outside the villages.Lamayuru monastery is at a distance of 127km from Leh city. Lamayuru monastery ladakh belongs to Red-Hat Sect of Buddhism .There are 150 houses of Budhist monk in Lamayuru monastery Leh.It was founded by Mahasiddhacharya Naropa during Eleventh century.It is famous for the Largest and Oldest Gompa in Ladakh. An important and interesting story is connected with the lamayuru monastery ladakh.Prehistoric tradition say that during the time of Sakyamuni Lamayuru's valley was a clear lake where holy serpents lived. The Bodhisattva Madhyantaka foretold that the lake would be emptied and a monastery built there. The legends continue by saying that Naropa, an 11th century Indian Buddhist scholar, came to Lamayuru and spent many years meditating in a cave, which can still be seen in the main Dukhang.After than Naropa then caused a split in the surrounding hillside and the lake emptied through this opening. After the lake emptied, Naropa found a dead lion previously covered by the waters of the lake. On this spot, Naropa built the first temple at Lamayuru, the Singhe Ghang.

Other historical accounts relate that in the 10th century the King of Ladakh ordered the building of Lamayuru gompa and placed it under the supervision of Rinchen Zangbo. The Lamayuru monastery Leh contains a main assembly hall is on the right side of the courtyard. The entrance verandah has been recently painted with a colorful depiction of the Guardians of the four directions. The wall painting on the left wall of the verandah depicts the proper way for a lama to live. The main assembly of lamayuru monastery ladakh was repaint in the year of 1970 with new column paintings. In the wall on the right side of the assembly is a small cave known as Naropa's cave, where Naropa is supposed to have meditated for several years. Lamayuru Gompa Ladakh cave contains a statue of Naropa as well as statues of Marpa .Naropa's student who became a translator of religious texts and famous poet and Mila Ras-pa . Marpa's student and a spiritual head of the red-hat sect of Tibetan Buddhism who was famous for his simplicity. The right side of the main assembly has three complete sets of the Kandshur in lovely glass-fronted bookcases.These cases were made in 1977 and have elaborate painted decorations above and below the shelves holding the books.

The statue inset near the middle of the right side wall is Sakyamuni, although not with his usual blue hair. A small temple which is devoted to Avalokitesvara stands separately from the main building housing Du-khang in Lamayuru monastery leh. A recess on the side facing the entrance holds an immensly old eight foot high image of Avalokitesvara with 1,000 arms and eyes and eleven heads .Also on to the right side of assembly hall of Lamayuru monastery have glass-fronted bookcases which conserve three complete sets of the Kandshur, the 108 volumes of Buddha's teachings. The showcases themselves are quiet interesting with elaborate painted decorations above and below the shelves. A statue of Shakyamuni, sans his usual blue hair, occupies the central position of the right side wall.
Lamayuru Gompa Ladakh
,celebrates Annual masked dance festival every year. On 17th & 18th day of 2nd month of Tibetan calander. Several monks who are staying from the monasteries of the close by areas come to join the celebrations.Hotels Near Lamayuru Monastery

Hotels Leh
Rooms: NA
Location: Lamayuru, ladakh
Tariff Range :On Request