Kargil is situated at a distance of 204 KM from Srinagar towards Leh city.Kargil is recognized as the land of Agas in today's world. Kargil has a population of 1.25 lakhs which is spreaded over an area of 14,086 Sq. Km. The word Kargil is derived from the two words Khar and rKil. Khar means castle and rKil means center. In local language Gar means anywhere and Khil means a center place where people could stay. After many years Khar rKil came to recognized as Kargil. During the year of 1979, Kargil became a break up district in the Ladakh region when it was bifurcated from the earstwhile Leh ditrict.People in Kargil are of mixed Dard and Tibetan descent.Gar in local language mean 'Anywhere' and Khil means a middle area where kargil people could stay.
Although former Tibetan contact has left a reflective persuade on the people of Kargil and Leh, After spreading of Shia Islam, Kargi people came under the control of Persian culture. This is obvious by the exact utilize of Persian words and phrases in their admired spiritual as well as other songs which is recognized as marsias and qasidas(kargil culture).
Some Kargilis, particularly those who belongs to the Agha families were the offspring of Syed preachers who were in a direct line descent from the Prophet Muhammad, and were sent to Iraq for their teaching.
Kargil culture imposes communal ceremony such as marriages that still hold many society and ritual that were familiar to both the Muslims and Buddhists.Among the two districts of Ladakh, Kargil has a more diverse cultural population and thus there are more regional dialects spoken in Kargil as compared to Leh.