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Buddha Purnima Festival Ladakh is celebrated in the month of Vaishakha to memorialize the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was born on 563-483 BC and he is a spiritual teacher of Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was initially known as Siddhartha Gautama and after some years became Gautam Buddha. Lord Buddha was born in the Lumbini, Nepal.
Buddha Purnima Festival Ladakh is the celebrated every year in the Month of May. Buddha Poornima is a supreme festival of all the Buddhists around the world. There are various activities that are held by the people for the celebration of Buddha Purnima like prayer, communication on Gautam Buddha's life, meditation and spiritual talks about the Buddhist scriptures. Group meditation is held and Buddhists adore the statue of Lord Buddha. People visit temples and narrate preaching of Lord Buddha and try to follow it. All temples are decorated with flags and flowers. Government has declared holiday on this auspicious day. All the birds are freed from cages and they also offer alms, fruits, food, clothes to the poor people. In the special day of Buddha Purnima Festival Ladakh programs are dispersed by the radio channels, TV channels and newspapers. People come from corner of the world to Bodh Gaya to get participated in the Buddha Poornima festival. 2259th Buddha Purnima Ladakh is celebrated in everywhere with good things like offering foods to the needy and remembering the preaching of Buddha. There are 5 principles of life like Not to take life, not to steal, not to tell lie, not to consume liquor and to be loyal with everyone. Some of the activities performed by the various countries are: In Burma the Buddhists take care of the Bodhi trees by uninterrupted watering to honor the illumination achieved by the Lord Buddha, People in Sri Lanka decorate their houses with oil lamps and bamboo sticks with the stars, In Gangtok the monks carry out the special Holy Scriptures and the Buddhists in Japan embellish the small statue of the Buddha and worship flowers.
Buddha's Teachings is followed by the people and it is meant has the more appropriate in today's life than that they were at the time he preached people and his followers. Lord Buddha tried to explain the miseries of this world and is simply because of our attachment to these things. Lord Buddha gave eight crinkle paths to follow for humans. The eight folds of paths are as follows Right belief, right intention, right living, right conduct, right word, right thinking, right efforts and right meditation. The Teaching of Buddha is very useful in today's life for peace and harmony. People who follow this paths then he will not face any problem and sufferings in life.
Celebration of Buddha Purnima

Buddha's Teachings