Capra Ibex
Ladakh has a various variety of wild sheep and goats. Asiatic Ibex is a same like a wild goat and its scientific name is Capra Ibex Sibirica.
Asiatic Ibex has a long vaulted horns curved and the thick coat which is brown in color. The legs and tips of the tail are white. Female Asiatic Ibex have thin parallel horns. The body length of the Capra Ibex is 130-160 cm and the weight is around 40 to 90 kg. Capra Ibex live in crowds as the males and female survive in separate assemblies but at the time of breeding they originate together. They like to stay in high altitude meadows in the rocky hills. They travel to lower elevations in winter and desire vertical grades so that the snows are not gathered. Normally they graze in the morning and evening time. The best place to see the animal is in Ladakh like Kanji Lamayuru, Changla and Nubra Shayok valleys. There are nearly 6000 Ibex in Ladakh. They are the most seen animals found in Ladakh that reside in high elevation.
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